Moiz K. Malik

CTO @nooklyn



I'm living in Bushwick, Brooklyn and the CTO @nooklyn. Nooklyn is how people find apartments, connect with roommates and explore their neighborhood. My side project is Campusvine, a web app that helps students to plan and budget events.



My work is way better with help from my friends. I've had the chance to collaborate with some incredibly talented designers, software engineers, photographers, and real estate experts.

Nooklyn is how people find apartments, connect with roommmates and explore their neighborhoods. Nooklyn has grown to over 20,000 users, we rent more than 3,000 apartments a year, and have offices in Bushwick, Greenpoint and Crown Heights. We currently publish a Bushwick Neighborhood Guide, have an awesome Instagram and we're building a bunch of new features.



I'm on Twitter @moizkmalik, and Github @moizk. You can also drop me a note at Recruiters, I'll save you some time, I'm not interested.